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Thread: my `76 GOLF 3dr

  1. #171
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarred View Post

    PHAAAAAT! thats awesome good job jarred!

  2. #172
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Melbourne, Williamstown
    WHU DERE? can't wait to see it at teh BBQ
    Shamless plug

    mk2 GTi 16v
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  3. #173
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
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    Nice work Jarred awesome stuff however you need a custom number plate
    I'm soo euro even my missus is shaved...

  4. #174
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Oh yeah... Now u need to put the plate up higher

    I bet he is to busy blwing of Comodores to care

  5. #175
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    hahah yea, the plates a bit low. I only realised after I had drilled the holes to fit in on, so yea, I'll fix it up some time. as for custom plates; I was goign to but a) i'm broke and b) i didn't know what to get, I thought about WEBERD or something like that, i've only got one, and it's not that big as is anyways. so yea. whu will have to dhu for now.

    nah what are you on about, they are custom WHU (= woo!) and 178 is how much power i'm puttin down! hahaha

    As for blowing off commmys, not yea, I havn't had the chance! but I'll probably go down to st kilda for a drive on sat night/dusk, mainly cause I can, so I'm sure I'll get a chance for too to blow some rice n whores, or well try at least!

    I will be at the BBQ on sunday! looking very much forward to it.

    as for the car itself. I whacked some new spark plugs in the other day. which turned out to not be such a good idea, as they need to be turned into place auctually! ha, who would have thought! no seriously. did the plugs, and still in the process of tuning it up, havn't done the timing yet, cause I couldn't be bothered, but I'm occasionally fiddling with the air/fuel and the idle, to try an "feel" whats best.

    As you can tell,. I'm pretty happy right now. I think I might go to the car wash. cause I can.

    also at this point I'd like to thank everyone who help me with this, mainly josh (golfman) who put a fair bit of wrench time, and a bit of knowledge. Other honerable mentions to Tim (golfworx) and Pete Jones for years of knowledge and advice that they've passed on. and Thanks to everyone else who commmented and helped and etc. this is by no means the end of the project (it's a mk 1, the work never ends), but yea, I still have some more plans, and no doubt will come across some more problems no doubt! Or i might just get another project... hmm..

    peace love respect and rubbin dubbin to all.

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  6. #176
    Join Date
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    Yeah. Wooo Hooo they are custom plates. Thought that as soon as I saw em.

    Move the back one up though.

    Nice to see a Mk1 back on the road, not lurking in a garage. Congrats Mate.

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  7. #177
    Join Date
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    Orange NSW
    Quote Originally Posted by Golf Loon View Post
    Nice to see a Mk1 back on the road, not lurking in a garage. Congrats Mate.
    What are you trying to say? We're all trying our darn hardest here!!

    Anyway, my 4 door can beat up your 4 door.

  8. #178
    TassieGTi Guest
    Well done, Jarred Great to see it on the road

  9. #179
    Join Date
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    Since the Project and resto section has been dead for a bit now, I though I'd resurrect my thread with a bit of an update on what's been going on and stuff, and a bit of getting ready for Nats!

    So, enjoy!

    I think we left of with a working engine. well that decided to stop working.

    What's missing from this picture??

    If you geussed a valve, you'd be correct! two points.

    Now where could that pesky valve have gotten too..?

    Oh, there, IN the piston! ha. who would have thought!

    Awaiting a new heart:

    I'm sure we were deep in thought, about something relavent!

    Like father like son! Thanks dad for the help

    I've got the "new" engine in, just another 1600, and a few other things that I don't have photos of, and I won't be anytime soon either! I'm planning on a few surprises for Nats, so you'll have to wait till then!


    i like volkswagens
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  10. #180
    Join Date
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    Orange NSW

    Nice socks.

    Glad to see progress, don't lag or you won't get it finished!

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